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We propose the widest range of optical transceivers on the French market (1G/10G/40G/100G/200G/400G).
232 products
SFP 1G Bidi 20km 1490/1310nm Aruba
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40.00€ HT Our price ? Create your account
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SFP 1G Bidi 40km 1310/1550nm
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70.00€ HT Our price ? Create your account
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SFP 1G Bidi 80km 1550/1490nm
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130.00€ HT Our price ? Create your account
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626 sold
SFP 1G Bidi 40km 1550/1310nm
Retail price
70.00€ HT Our price ? Create your account
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SFP 1G ZX DWDM 80km Aruba
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500.00€ HT Our price ? Create your account
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Jarretière Multi Mode OM3 MPO-12/MPO-12 Polarity B
Retail price
50.00€ HT Our price ? Create your account
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Active Optical Cable QSFP28 100G
Retail price
350.00€ HT Our price ? Create your account
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